April 4th, 5th & 6th
In the overwhelm of life and with the many hats women wear in modern times, it is becoming more evident that we have to create time to RETREAT.
We desire more time to be in sacred space.
We long to honor ourselves and reorient to the divine to be guided through a lens which only serves our highest good.
If you feel this desire and longing, there is an invitation here for you…
and I know, stepping off the hamster wheel and even spending time with oneself can be truly challenging, especially as cultural and social norms have not cultivated our muscle capacity to be still and silent.
This retreat is designed as a bridge for you to deepen into your devotional life and begin building a foundation of personal mastery and discipline which will ultimately serve your highest timeline.
We will offer a beautiful, spirit led template for you to follow throughout the retreat…
Rose of Silence Retreat Invitation…
Meet Retreat Co-host, Kaila Rose!

Please join us for a three day personal retreat:
~Deepen into your DEVOTIONAL life.
~Be nourished and renewed through SACRED PAUSE.
~Recalibrate to divine alignment through clarity, discernment, and solitude.
Ruth Hailey Barton explains why we need solitude and silence:
~Practices of solitude and silence are radical because they challenge us on every level of our existence.
~They challenge us on the level of culture: there is very little in Western culture that supports us in entering into what feels unproductive time for being (beyond human effort) and listening (beyond human thought).
~They confront us on the level of our human relationships: they call us away from those relationships for a time so we can give some undivided attention to ourselves, and to God.
~They challenge us on the level of our soul: in the silence we become aware of inner dynamics we have been able to avoid by keeping ourselves noisy and busy.
~They draw us into spiritual battle: in silence there is the potential for each of us to know our own divinity with such certainty that the competing powers of the ego-self can no longer hold their grip.
I believe we have an innate wiring and an often hidden desire to seek solitude. If we think of all the spiritual masters, retreating into silent—sacred space, is an imperative part of our spiritual evolution:
Healing requires us to pause.
Acknowledgment requires deep inner awareness.
Mastering our senses affords us the ability to become a receptive vessel of wisdom and gnosis.
Discernment requires the cultivation of recognizing the sometimes still and small voice of the divine.
Grief requires time, space and an ability to hold space for ourselves.
Aligning with our soul purpose and our greatest potential or self expression requires inner reflection and excavation.
In this retreat, you will be provided with the following:
~FREE Pre Retreat Immersion “ROSE RECALIBRATION” to prepare the nervous system for self witnessing. March 18th at 12pm PST/2pm CST.
~Daily live-virtual, two-hour, gatherings for Contemplative Rose practices and shares. We meet at 12pm PST/2pm CST.
~ Retreat resources and protocol PDF’s (suggested daily itinerary).
~Pre Recorded video facilitations.
~Invitation to deepen your devotional practice with a 7 day spiritual fast post retreat (details to be shared within retreat).
You will learn how to get still and meet the hard places within through various portals or gateways which you’ll learn and practice in our time together.
This retreat is intended to offer a flavor of the contemplative attitude, honoring the mindful priestess, feminine mystic, and modern monk archetypes within you, which invite you to slow down, get curious and ease back into yourself in a way that feels nourishing and divinely inspired.
You’ll be invited to explore these practices to support your inner journey to silence:
Lectio Divina
VIsio DIvina
Holy Listening
Sanctification of the Body Temple
Anointing/Baptismal Rites
Self Love Alchemy
Sound Alchemy
Creating Sacred Space
Rose Medicine…and more.

The medicine of the Rose of Silence is compelling us to get back to basics, to simplify—to go inwards and to seek refuge in your inner sanctuary.
Her scent is the frequency from which you will receive all of yourself in the compassionate, gentle and grace-filled enfoldment of the divine feminine.
The rose serves as a balm to sooth the hardened places within us which we easily avoid, distract ourselves from or mask with unhealthy behavioral habits. The rose is a salve to melt away the aches and pains of an overstimulating world.
When we learn to retreat we awaken the universe within activating our greatest potential for personal truth, sovereignty, purpose, soul gifts, and passion. This requires us to integrate all aspects of ourselves through the weaving of both the arduous journeys into the descent and ecstatic states of divine union. We learn the importance and wisdom of resourcing from within, tending to our wounding, holding space for ourselves, and cooperating in divine will.
This retreat will offer you opportunities to rest, reflect, commune, restore peace, and rejuvenate or…simply allow for the Mystery to unfold.
Meet Your Retreat Facilitators:
Lauren Kimberly Moore
Lauren is a Certified Spiritual Director and Temple Keeper of MONASTICA, a new earth monastery for the modern woman. She is a certified grief companion, yoga instructor, energy practitioner/healer, mindfulness facilitator and Certified Light Leader Coach®. Lauren is an initiate of the Magdalene Rose Lineage, ordaining through Feminine Healing Ministries. Lauren serves her ministry as an emissary of the divine mother, supporting women from grief to purpose through cultivation of devotional and contemplative arts.
Founder of Sacred Rose of Light
Kaila is a Devotee of the Sacred. She is weaving the Path dedicated to remembrance, purification, embodying sacred feminine essence and grounding Light through our vessels to earth.
Kaila’s deepest intention is to serve the Light of God and hold the space for others to remember and embody the frequencies of coherence, freedom and divinity encoded in every part of their being.
The foundation of her work is remembering the oneness, wholeness and creating deep intimacy with the Divine.
Meet Your Retreat Support Guides:
Julia Burkey: Practicing the Ancient Christian Ritual of Protection.
Julia Burkey's work stems from Divine Feminine nature honoring wisdom intertwined with the Christ path, bringing ancient ritual alive to nourish the modern woman / human being. Think experimental early Jesus following movement before Christianity was formed, plus full moon gatherings. Think the faith of your grandmother plus the rhythms of nature and the moon that have guided sacred gatherings since the beginning of humanity.escription goes here
Jessica Sawyer: Rose Activation
I am Jessica, a Re-membering Rose Magdalene Priestess, a Rainbow Bridge, a Medicine Woman & Mother carrying Crystalline Sophia Codes to assist in the Alchemy we are all part of as the New Golden Age is birthed. I am an Earth grid weaver & Earth Keeper working with many sacred sites around the planet & taking people on pilgrimages in Sacred Reciprocity. Particularly connected to the lands of Albion (the United Kingdom) & the Druid Priestesses. I am a Sekhem (ancient Egyptian lineage energy technique) Master, Embodied movement practitioner, EFT therapist & carrier of the Divine Feminine Mysteries. goes here
KellyAngelic Star Master Healer Golden Earth Channel & Soul Coach
Kelly-Anne Head has 18 years of devotional light to share with her own healing practice coaching and ceremonies based in Harrogate in the UK and on line Keeper of the Rainbow Rose. She is dedicated to supporting the divine feminine Rose lineages to rise ,in the healing and birthing of Golden Earth templates on Mother Earth
Join us for the Venus Rainbow Rose Angelic Healing qctivation and journey Nurturing your rose heart light to bloom and blossom Together creating our heaven on Earth timelines for the greatest good of all ! goes here