There is some strange intimacy between grief and aliveness, some sacred exchange between what seems unbearable and what is most exquisitely alive.
~Francis Weller
There is an intelligence about grief, and with courage, we can begin to understand how WE grieve and reclaim it as a natural part of life.
We can flow with Grief, we’ve just forgotten how.
Join me for a 75-minute FALL WORKSHOP to tend to our grief.
Light Leader Kundalini™ shows us how to work with the 5 elements and Meridian Mapping Method™ to embody and engage with the spiraling cycles of grief.
When we experience difficult losses or situations in our lives, the layers of our body are influenced. We hold grief in the mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and energetic layers of our being. This can bring our body into a disharmonious state of being. When this happens, we may experience symptoms from our grief that are outwardly expressing or hidden from our conscious awareness.
The elements give us a foundation to learn how grief can express itself as fear, anger, sadness, anxiety, worry, impatience and more.
In our time together, we will learn about the nature of the Metal Element which houses our grief in sadness. FALL is metal season, so we can easily become overwhelmed in our sadness. This workshop will give us an opportunity to reflect on the grief we are holding in this season, and it offer a body-based practice to balance our growing metal with the Element of Fire.
Our approach to embodied grief comes from the Daoist philosophy of 5 elements. The elements in our environment are also expressed within us.
The spirits of the organs within our body hold are influenced through the elemental energy which travels through the energetic highways in our body. we can influence the flow of energy along these highways (meridians) through movement, breath work, mantra, kryias, and meditation.
These organs hold characteristics of emotions, personality traits, and physiology which express differently with regards to the integrity of of our energy system.
The elemental cycle give us language to our energy body and a way to understand how emotions show us in our lived experience. It also helps us understand how we can create balance and shifts in our energy system to help us in our healing journey. We bring ourselves back into harmony by working from the inside—out.
If you’re ready to journey with your grief,
you can join us by registering here:

Lauren Kimberly Moore, your Embodied Grief facilitator…
Lauren has over 30 years of personal and professional experience in the contemplative healing arts. She is a Certified Spiritual Director, Women’s Grief Companion, Yoga Instructor, Mindfulness facilitator and Certified Light Leader Coach®. Lauren is an initiate of the Magdalene Rose Lineage. As an emissary of the divine mother, she guides women through the 5 Sacred Rites of Divorce and Separation.
“i Just wanted to say thank you again dear beautiful goddess for your loving energy, I felt so held and lovingly guided by your energy and calmness, your session was nourishing and confirming and resonant with where I am at.”
“Inside of me a fire is building, but thanks to our session I am able to manage it and not let it become a wildfire.”