Conversations and Teachings with Divine Feminine Leaders to Awaken Your Inner Feminine.
You are invited to join us for GROUND YOUR LIGHT, a guest speaker series with women in leadership who are helping change lives with their soul aligned passion, mission and service.
We all have a beautiful mission here on earth, with unique soul gifts and a radiance that brings God’s LIGHT to the world.
Are you living the embodiment of that LIGHT?
As a certified spiritual director (aka, contemplative care companion) for feminine soul renewal, I witness many beautiful women who are knowingly stuck in limiting beliefs, treading water in the healing cycle, being defined by others, and staying comfortable as victims of their circumstances.
I know, it’s hard not to be stuck. Our ego feels safe in the suffering or even in complacency. And when overwhelmed, even good things seem too difficult to call in. This pulls at my heartstrings, as I too, struggled to feel empowered, whole, successful, and worthy for far too long.
As a lineage holder of the Magdalene Rose Feminine Mystery Arts, I believe and have personally experienced the transformation which can occur when women reclaim their inner feminine.
The feminine face of God and her creation story has been suppressed for the better part of the past 1500 years. Because of this, we often make ourselves small and struggle to expand into the fullest expression of our true self. We simple have lost the modeling of the sacred empowered woman.
Here are some common ways women feel “STUCK” :
Overwhelm, burnout, loss of purpose.
Struggle with energy ups and downs.
Struggle to master emotions within the turbulence of the world.
Lack clear and simple ways to create energetic sustainability in order to share soul gifts in the world.
Dissociated from the physical body.
Can't find the momentum to achieve life goals.
Live in a scarcity mindset versus receiving abundance.
Need real answers to manifesting and co-creating.
Stuck in the same behavioral or situational patterns.
If these speak to you and you want to create change, want to learn tools, need some inspiration, please considering joining us.
When we learn that our energetic body is designed to support us, we can learn specific energetic techniques to cultivate the sustainability, the visions, the pathways and actions needed to achieve our business, personal life. These energetics support us during transitions in life helping us ground and flow into the cyclical nature of life.
Here are several topics, which I’ve come to find are gateways or portals, for healing our wounds and opening space for remembrance, reclamation, and rejuvenation…which my guests will share with you through their own voice and magic:
Taking care of the physical body temple…
(foods for vitality, strength, and nourishment, as well as rest, self-love, cleansing)
Holy Listening
Sound Frequencies
Divine awareness
Multidimensional healing work
Connecting with the elements/nature
One of my biggest struggles in life was not feeling heard, by the people that I wanted most to hear me. I realize that this is not even necessarily my own life’s wounding, but a wound which is held in the collective feminine. This speaker series provides a safe and welcoming space for women to be heard, so we can help each other heal and grow!
It is such a pleasure to create a platform for women to share their voice, gifts and how they are grounding the light of their soul as it evolves into its highest human expression.
Join me, Lauren Kimberly Moore, as I host this ongoing series of live interviews with divine feminine leaders, called Ground Your Light.