There is an intelligence and wisdom about grief. With courage, we can begin to understand how WE carry grief and reclaim it as a natural part of our life’s potential.

Join us in the ROSE SANCTUARY for a 5-week Embodied Grief healing immersion for:

Contemplative Soul Care

Grief Tending



Throughout the five weeks we will be immersed in the energies of the Rose of Silence to guide us, gently and slowly into our inner sanctuary so we can reclaim our ability to hold space for ourselves.

The energies of the sacred feminine will guide us to empower our ability to tend to our grief and become self resourced with the possibilities for hope, reclamation, remembering, feminine intimacy, and purpose.

Light Leader Kundalini™ helps activate the feminine life force energies to re-enliven us. Healthy grief is kept warmed through acknowledgment, movement, meditation, mantra, mudras and companionship.


We will learn to better understand our grief through our subtle anatomy as our energy body is expressed through the 5 elements and Meridian Mapping Method™.

The Heroine’s Journey…

"There is some strange intimacy between grief and aliveness, some sacred exchange between what seems unbearable and what is most exquisitely alive." ~Francis Weller

All grief is welcome here!

**If you are in an acute grief state, I recommend giving grief time and working 1:1 with a grief companion before doing group work.

Grief often brings us to the mysteries of life.

We may not know the depth of grief we carry until we enter our inner sanctuary. We can hold grief from our ancestral lineage, our community, past lives and our lived experiences—we can even carry grief from when we were in the womb.

Grief can surprise us when we begin tending to inner universe. I invite the intention that grief can even become a welcomed friend.

The elements…

give us a language for our energy body. We can begin to understand how unmet grief shows up as emotional expressions, behavioral patterns, physical symptoms as our way of being in response to difficult life experiences.


Patterns set in as a way of protecting ourselves. These are perfectly normal and important, over the short term. When we don’t address long running grief, we risk getting “stuck” in limiting patterns of behavior. Sometimes we need to help the energy of the body to flow again.

This journey is to help you meet your grief, hold it, and begin to process or integrate it through your body. 

Working with grief in this way can feel very empowering. Using the body to interface with grief creates space. In the space there is the possibility of hope, change, trust, nurturing, and acceptance.

It’s important for us to relearn and remember how to interface with grief and loss in a way that is honoring and not something that can be fixed, hurried, or ignored, because it can't. 

Grief is sacred. Grief is our own and no one else can define how we experience or express our grief. There is no “right” way to grieve, however there are compassionate, holistic and integral ways to tend to grief which have been lost to our western world.  

Grief tending, together, is potent medicine.

Some ways we experience grief and loss are: 

Death of a loved one 

Loss of relationship 





Loss of business


Loss of job 

Empty nest



Ageing —mobility, agility, strength 


Ancestral wounds 

Collective Pain (environmental, violence, war, child trafficking, abduction)

and the list goes on…  

Learn from your Sacred Feminine Embodiments or Archetypes of the Elements.


The Wisdom Keeper embodies the element of METAL. She holds the wisdom and potential of grief. She sees the truth of who she is.

Meet the other beautiful Archetypes within the journey and we’ll begin to flow with grief.

What you’ll receive in this journey:

  • Live Opening Ceremony and intro to the 5 Element Archetypes and Light Leader Kundalini

  • 6 live Contemplative Rose Embodiment Sessions with LLK.

  • PDFs

  • 1:1 (private) Energy Evaluation and breathwork practice and energy protocol ($122 Value)

  • Bonus Videos

  • Private Facebook Group to build community.

Join before registration opens for a Rose of Silence gift…

5 weeks for a $222 investment. Prices go up May 8th to $333.

We being June 5th!

To learn more about the journey please schedule a FREE Exploratory Call to see if it’s a right fit for you.

I can offer more details to the course, share with you the healing work we will embarking upon.

Lauren Kimberly Moore, Your Embodied Grief Companion…

Lauren has over 30 years of personal and professional experience in the contemplative healing arts. She is a Certified Spiritual Director, Women’s Grief Companion, Yoga Instructor, Mindfulness facilitator and Certified Light Leader Coach®.  Lauren is an initiate of the Magdalene Rose Lineage. As an emissary of the divine mother, she guides women through Embodied Grief and the 5 Sacred Rites of Divorce and Separation through her online Rose Sanctuary.


“i Just wanted to say thank you again dear beautiful goddess for your loving energy, I felt so held and lovingly guided by your energy and calmness, your session was nourishing and confirming and resonant with where I am at.”

~Alex, Light Leader Coaching™ Client

Of the Rose of Silence: “You have something really special here…so many women are trying to hold the space to be present and it’s so hard with all the chaos in the world….so many women need that quieting time…'“

“You held a space that was so peaceful, so quiet, so still and the energy make everyone else quiet as well. You hold that energy incredibly well. I’ve never seen anybody do it like you do.”

~J.T. Rose of Silence retreatant