11 / 23 / 24

A virtual day of sacred PAUSE, retreat and renewal awaits you…

I’d like to paraphrase Ruth Hailey Barton, because she explains why we need solitude and silence, so perfectly:

Practices of solitude and silence are radical because they challenge us on every level of our existence.

~They challenge us on the level of culture: there is very little in Western culture that supports us in entering into what feels unproductive time for being (beyond human effort) and listening (beyond human thought).

~They confront us on the level of our human relationships: they call us away from those relationships for a time so we can give some undivided attention to ourselves, and to God.

~They challenge us on the level of our soul: in the silence we become aware of inner dynamics we have been able to avoid by keeping ourselves noisy and busy.

~They draw us into spiritual battle: in silence there is the potential for each of us to know our own divinity with such certainty that the competing powers of the ego-self can no longer hold their grip.

I believe we have an innate wiring and an often hidden desire to seek solitude. If we think of all the spiritual masters, retreating into silent—sacred space, is an imperative part of our spiritual evolution:

  • Healing requires us to pause.

  • Acknowledgment requires deep inner awareness.

  • Mastering our senses affords us the ability to become a receptive vessel of wisdom and gnosis.

  • Discernment requires the cultivation of recognizing the sometimes still and small voice of the divine.

  • Grief requires time, space and an ability to hold space for ourselves.

  • Aligning with our soul purpose and our greatest potential or self expression requires inner reflection and excavation.

In this retreat, we learn how to get still and meet the hard places within us through various portals or gateways which you’ll learn and practice in our time together.

This retreat is intended to offer a flavor of contemplative practice which invite us to slow down, get curious and ease back into ourselves in a way that feels nourishing, not dauting.

You’ll be invited to explore these practices to support your inner journey to silence:

Holy Listening

Mindful Awareness

Sanctification of the Body Temple



Self Love

Sound Alchemy

Rose Medicine…and more.

The scent of the Rose of Silence is compelling us into deeper devotion—to go inwards, to seek refuge in your inner sanctuary, to connect that which is divine within us and omnipresent. It is with the medicine of the rose from which you will receive all of yourself in the compassionate, gentle and grace-filled enfoldment of the divine feminine.

The rose serves as a balm to sooth the hardened places within us which we easily avoid, distract ourselves from or mask with unhealthy behavioral habits. The rose is a salve to melt away the aches and pains of an overstimulating world.

Join me and other guest facilitators to enter into our temple of silence. This is a place which can often times be arduous, scary and neglected due to the distortions of masculine productivity framework of external authority.

When we learn to retreat inwards we awaken the universe within and activate our greatest potential for personal truth, sovereignty, purpose soul gifts and passion. This is how we create a new earth. With so much integration to do on our spiritual ascension journey and we need space to do so before we step into our sacred action. Going inwards asks us to integrate all aspects of ourselves through the descent. Holding space for ourselves becomes part of our self mastery, where we find unfiltered, direct truth.

This retreat will offer you many portals to getting quiet and still, finding peace within and allowing the Mystery to unfold.

You will be guided through the day in a contemplative manner, so you can see how you best access your inner sanctuary. Then use these tools at home to enter your own temple. You will be immerse with women who embody the essence of the Rose of Silence. The energy of our space should be restful and rejuvenating, safe, slow, and intentional.

This will be a donation based retreat, your contribution will support services to women in need of grief tending.

**Replay is available for a limited time, please donate to receive extended access to the retreat.

Thank you for your support!! Refunds are honored before the start date of the program and/or will incur a 3% transaction fee off the donated amount.

Meet Your Retreat Facilitators:

  • Kelly- Anne Head

    Kelly-Anne Head:

  • Catherine Tiferet Levi

Meet Your Host…

Lauren Kimberly Moore

Lauren has over 30 years of personal and professional experience in the contemplative healing arts. She is a Certified Spiritual Director for those looking to awaken their inner feminine. She is certifying as a women’s grief companion, yoga instructor, energy practitioner/healer, mindfulness facilitator and Certified Light Leader Coach®.  Lauren is an initiate of the Magdalene Rose Lineage. As an emissary of the divine mother, Lauren is temple keeper of MONASTICA, a sanctuary to deepen into devotion and energetic mastery. She guides women to explore their New Earth Sacred Feminine Archetype, to seed their soul mission in this lifetime, for generations to come.